Sunday, January 25, 2009

1st Challenge of 2009-ZOMBIES EVERYWHERE (Extension)

So I have had a pretty busy week, I had a couple interviews and that took up a lot of my spare time, so because of that I am going to extend the Zombie challenge till next week.  Hopefully by extending the challenge everyone can meet the deadline of Feb. 1st I can't wait to see what everyone has created.

Please send submissions to:



Sunday, January 11, 2009

1st Challenge of 2009-ZOMBIES EVERYWHERE

So if you haven't guest it by know this challenge is all about Zombies. So do it up FUNNY, SAD, EVIL, CREEPY make it happen. I will be posting the pics for the challenge up in two weeks so good luck, and as always send you submissions to my email.

Thank you,  have fun make art,


Allison Webster- The Art doesn't stop until you drop. Entree

Allison Webster the youngest Art Club member enters this nice hand for the show.

Kate Burck-The Art doesn't stop until you drop. ENTREE

Kate Burck added some of her fabric sculptures and a great character design to the show.

Stephen Kade-The Art doesn't stop until you drop. Entree

Stephen Kade adding his flavor to the Show. 

Christina Harper-The Art doesn't stop until you drop. Entree

Christina Harper is the newest member to Art Club, she has some great work.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Jared Hart-The Art doesn't stop until you drop. Entree

Jared Hart- This is just some of the things I have been working on lately. 

Katie Cropper-The Art doesn't stop until you drop. ENTREE

Katie Cropper busts out with this really cool morning scene.